Unorthodox – Become the Leader of Your Own Life
“I am not a superwoman. I just learned to act like one.”
Throughout ‘Unorthodox’, the Swedish-based mother of two shares her inspirational journey from heartbreak to unstoppable abundance. By using her chaotic circumstances as leverage to upgrade her life, she has transformed herself from tumultuous despair to the heights of new-found love and prosperity as a triple company owner.
‘Unorthodox’ is an interactive experience that will give you the exact steps you need to finally put your excuses aside and create an Extraordinary Life, Relationship, and Business – just like Karoline did. You will learn how to:
- Transform your life from mediocre to five-star
- Turn your downside into an unstoppable advantage
- Utilize powerful mindset secrets all 7-figure business owners use
- Control Fear and Develop unshakable self-belief, no matter what
If the demands and expectations of others hold you back from achieving what you truly desire; and you would love to create the life, business, and relationship of your dreams but don’t know where to begin – Karoline provides all of the tools you need.
Karoline Lindboe Englund Karoline is a Swedish-based entrepreneur and business strategist. She works with the ideology that most companies and individuals can enjoy their full potential if they understand how to apply an expansive mindset. ‘Unorthodox’ is an interactive experience that will give you the exact steps you need to finally put your excuses aside and create an Extraordinary Life, Relationship, and Business – just like Karoline did.
En selvhjælpsbog i særklasse
Mit første indtryk af at læse bogen "Unorthodox" var at drikke en kop kaffe og have en fortrolig samtale med Karoline selv. På intet tidspunkt føler man at hun er bedrevidende og at hun strøer om sig med løse tips og råd. Hvert eneste råd hun giver, er funderet på hendes egen livserfaring. Og jeg fornemmer at Karoline virkelig ønsker at vi skal klare os gennem vores egne kriser, personlige såvel som økonomiske.
Alle vil kunne have glæde at læse denne bog uanset hvilken situation de befinder sig i. For i sidste ende beror det på vores egen indstilling; om vi vil opfatte os selv som ofre eller som nogle der kan forme vores egen virkelighed. Og bogen er fyldt med eksempler på hvordan man kan forme sin virkelighed ved for eksempel at tæmme sin frygt og ikke lade sig styre af hvordan andre opfatter en. Sammen bogen får man også adgang til en online coach, et værktøj til selv at udforske hvordan man kan bruge nogle af bogens principper i ens eget liv.

A self-help book in a class of its own
My first impression of reading the book "Unorthodox" was to drink a cup of coffee and have a confidential conversation with Karoline herself. At no time do you feel that she is well-informed and that she is strewn about with loose tips and advice. Every single piece of advice she gives is based on her own life experience. And I sense that Karoline really wants us to get through our own crises, personal as well as financial.
Everyone will be able to enjoy reading this book no matter what situation they find themselves in. For in the end, it depends on our own attitude; whether we will perceive ourselves as victims or as some who can shape our own reality. And the book is full of examples of how to shape your reality by, for example, taming your fears and not letting yourself be controlled by how others perceive you. Together with the book, you also get access to an online coach, a tool to explore for yourself how to use some of the book's principles in your own life.
A very powerful book
Thank you for a powerful book, and a language and rhythm that hit me in a positive way. The book Unorthodox really gives some insights to the mind, both the conscious and unconscious mind. I also like the reflections upon feelings, and how they color or disrupt the thoughts.

Din bok är magisk. Har tagit kapitel efter kapitel och tid för reflektion. Boken har hjälpt mig att ta beslut där jag är sann mot mig själv. Bästa julklappen som hjälte mig att fatta ett beslut och att ta steget ut och tacka nej till en tillvaro som skulle förgiftat min själ.
Kommer använda boken som en handbok när jag behöver vägledning på livets väg ❤️