Unorthodox featured
in the World Media

“It’s fantastic to be featured discussing my personal journey and the things I’m doing to help individuals transform their lives, particularly during this very challenging time of widespread lockdowns” – Karoline Lindboe Englund

“Now, more than ever, we need to be our own solution searchers,” Karoline said. “My simple exercises and my own story can help others not only to survive the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic, but actually transform this colossal challenge into a positive stepping stone.”​

Karoline Lindboe Englund is sharing her story in her new book: “Unorthodox - Become the Leader of Your Own Life: My Interactive Guide for an Extraordinary Life, Relationship and Business.” The book is a unique interactive guide and a tale of triumph over adversity, new beginnings, and breaking free of personal and professional chains.

“When I got disfellowshipped from the Jehovah’s Witnesses, I experienced a total social lockdown,” she said. “My entire social network locked, and it still is after almost three years.” Being on “lockdown” after rejection from her faith community allowed her to clear out old beliefs and replace them with a new, empowering value system. Lindboe Englund’s newfound personal methodology has been proven especially relevant in the time of COVID-19, as so many people around the world find themselves on a forced lockdown.

In Unorthodox, the Swedish-based entrepreneur, business strategist, and mother shares her inspirational journey from heartbreak to abundance, using chaotic circumstances as leverage to upgrade her life. Her transformative journey brought her from the depths of despair to the heights of newfound love and prosperity as the owner of three successful companies.​

“I am proud, overwhelmed and honored by the success of my book,” Karoline says. “The interest in my story shows that sharing this is important and makes a difference.”

With her book, Karoline Englund wants to offer both individuals and entrepreneurs actionable solutions for success in a post-pandemic world.

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