Hiring Karoline Lindboe Englund For Corporate Events, Appearances and Speaking Engagements Is Easy
ln 2018 Karoline Lindboe Englund started a journey that became a decisive turning point in her life. She divorced, was shunned from Jehovah’s Witnesses, lost contact with family, all friends and relatives and became unemployed. She realized the needed to find a new path in life. She needed to dare to stand for what feels right and trust her own inherent power.
Karoline started her journey with heartbreak but turned the crisis to a success in just two years. Not only financial abundance but an abundance of love, affection, empowerment and clarity. Today she has a strong, empowering foundation in her life – her self. Karoline Lindboe Englund shares her secret to success in her lectures based on her bestseller book “Unorthodox – how to become the leader of your own life”.
The theme of her lectures are the same as her book “How to become the Leader of Your Own Life”.
The lectures can be booked in Swedish, Danish or English.
Karoline Lindboe Englund Karoline is a Swedish-based entrepreneur and business strategist. She works with the ideology that most companies and individuals can enjoy their full potential if they understand how to apply an expansive mindset. Her lectures are an interactive experience that will give you the exact steps you need to finally put your excuses aside and create an Extraordinary Life, Relationship, and Business – just like Karoline did.